Originally from the Hill Country of Texas, Shannon responded to God’s call to ministry at the age of 16 and has remained steadfast ever since. After graduating high school in Brady, TX, he pursued his education at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in Belton, Texas, while concurrently serving a rural congregation just 20 minutes away. Following his undergraduate studies, Shannon relocated to Fort Worth, TX, to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology. During this time, he actively participated in two church planting endeavors and collaborated with the North American Mission Board to recruit and deploy church planters across the U.S. and Canada. Shannon's ministry journey has taken him through various states, including Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida, and Texas. His deepest passion lies in shepherding the local church, providing scriptural counseling, sharing the Gospel with the lost, and nurturing the discipleship of God's people. Shannon firmly believes in the sufficiency of Scripture, empowered by the Holy Spirit, for all aspects of life and godliness. This motivates him to boldly proclaim the Word and allow the Spirit to work. Married since 2003 to his wife Annie, they are blessed with four sons: George, Aaron, William, and Henry.